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Credo Series

I believe in One Promise

Joined by the love of Christ for His Church



Holy Orthodoxy’s perspective on Marriage is rather different from that of the Latin Church. It is not about stating intentions by the formulation of vows in order for the spouses to become ministers of their own wedding. Neither is it a civil affair (although necessary for the signing of documents) where one may omit or replace the sacred with the profane due to likes or dislikes. Rather, the Mystery of Matrimony is like Baptism where what was clothed with corruption became robed in the Glory of the New Creation. Thus, just as Jesus the Lord in Cana of Galilee changed water to wine, so to ordinary man and woman who became one in Christ via the Waters of Baptism, are joined to each other in the Wine of the Covenant (the blood of the Lamb) and become in the words of the Apostle Paul: “One flesh!”    (Ep 5: 31)  



As we discussed in Baptism, it is proper for the person(s) to belong fully into a family and just as a new born child is registered and given a place of prominence in that given family; so too must the newly wedds be registered in the book of the Author of Life which is the Church in order for the union to be sealed with the grace of the Holy Spirit who is the Treasury of Blessings and imparts on the spouses the gift of Divine Love; thus continuing to recreate their marriage all the days of their life!


Unlike the Western setting where everyone is assembled in church to wait for the bride to walk up the central isle to Wagner’s tune of Here Comes the Bride; the bride and groom are met by the presbyter, deacon’s and servers at the doors of the temple as a reminder that they will enter the dwelling place of God among mortals in order for the earthly to be wed to the heavenly. Thus, the twofold ceremony of Betrothal as prescribed in the Elder Law and Matrimony as commanded by Christ:  (Mk 10: 6-9) takes place in the center of the temple as is the case for most of the Mysteries.


This has and still is a point of division for many in the Church; ranging from arguments like: Both parties must be of the same faith in order to avoid confusion to the faith of their offspring to that of: Those who have never practiced their faith who now seek to be wed which the Church now validates would become illicit due to their (the spouses) lack of responsibility in honoring the Sabbath and raising their young in the faith! Hence, it is important to bear in mind whatever the case may be to realize that when a Mystery is bestowed, it should be treated with respect-for it is a gift from God to us and an extension to those after us! (Jn13:34-35)


Unless grave circumstances impede, the Mystery of Matrimony should always be reserved for the Temple for as we discussed before; it is not an exchange of vows, but a pledge made in the presence of the Living God who chooses to dwell in what has been made Sacred for Him alone     (Ex 40: 34-38); but not a garden or seaside affair which compliments the social occasion.


“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.”(Mtt 24: 32) Likewise, when two candidates have thoroughly thought things through especially on a Sacramental level and have discerned this process with their presbyter, they may at his discretions prepare for the honorable Mystery of Holy Matrimony!

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